Thursday, November 8, 2012


My first Halloween was a blast. Actually we had double the blast as we had two parties. The first one was at Trish and Matt's residence,on the D-day and a bunch of us enjoyed interacting with the kids who were out trick or treating. The evening ended with us going down to Dickson.

No prizes for guessing what I am dressed up as.... Trish was really scared. Really!
Dickson on Halloween night was fun!
Enjoying "trick and treating'' on Halloween. Can you see how only international students are dressed. Seems like we were the most excited. Hey this was the first time for a lot of us.
Then on Friday we had and a class party at Emmanuelle and Caroline's house. It was a lot of fun to hang out and just act crazy with our friends.

Well we had a Olympic gold ( or was it bronze) medalist, a Brazilian wrestler, The devil, Peter Pan, Batman, a Mummy Priest ( I dunno what that was), Hugh Hefner, A guy from some movie and a athlete to name a few at the class party.
Devavratha was a cheer leader and Emmauelle was Batman. Oops my bad! Just reverse the characters. Emmanuelle was a awesome host unfortunately her cheerleading skills are anything but good.
Caroline with the "Scream Character" - eerrrm thats Manish!
Sadly, I have to put away my costume for next year in the top shelf and wait for Halloween 2013.
It will be a shame, if I tried to describe the fun we had so I let the pictures tell the story.

Remember the fabulous four who won the Bowersox competition. Well they won $5000 and donated half the prize money to the university’s Full Circle Campus Food Pantry, a student-run assistance program that distributes food and personal products to members of the campus community.

Dr Mosher, Amberle, Jason, Zack and Xiaoyan, the team that made us proud. 
Just goes to show what a great bunch we have at the Walton MBA class of 2013. We are the best in whatever we do, be it  academics or partying.
 Woo Pig Sooie!