Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy New Year

This winter I spent time with my brother and his family in California. It was supposed to be a quiet family time and while it was definitely "family time" my niece and nephew ensured that it was not so "quiet". The big highlights of the break were the visits to Disneyland and Universal  studios. The rides and the shows made me a kid all over again. I am in two minds as to whether I enjoyed the rides at Disneyland more or the fantastic 3 D shows in Universal. For now I will just call it a tie. The holiday was also a time to enjoy some home cooked meals and my sister in-law made sure that I had all my favorite Indian dishes all through the winter. After the break I am fully recharged and looking forward to my last semester in the Walton MBA Program.
At Universal Studios I met with Bumblebee and he actually wanted a picture  with me.  I did give a few pointers as to how to deal with Megatron. Now if only he listens!
My Brother Kaif, his wife Tasnim and the kids Sanna and Zoran at  Snow Whites's Castle in Disneyland.
A major attraction, in Disneyland, for the kids was the Christmas Parade. Is it me or is Cinderella's step sister more beautiful?
Like I said - There was no "Quiet Time". At the Universal Studios.
Zoran with his friends. I am sorry I cannot introduce you to them. I just know Scooby. 
Sanna did not want to be clicked with her brother.
Another family member-  Frankenstein. 
A most memorable Christmas with the worlds best brother and  his family.  
Its been exactly a year, give or take a few hours, that I first lay eyes on the University of Arkansas the campus.Over the past year the campus has grown on me and I was looking forward to meeting my classmates after the month long break. The faculty at the Walton MBA program is busy preparing for the orientation program for the incoming Class of 2014. You can get more information about the incoming class from Rebels blog. As a student mentor I will be participating in some of the events and I am looking forward to meeting everyone. Yesterday co-mentor Sara and I met a few incoming students and were blown over by their excitement and passion.
Clockwise- Sara, myself, Mai, Katy, Carmen and Nathaniel  at  Common Grounds  Gourmet Espresso Bar on Dickson Street. Meeting them made me realize how quickly time has flown by. 
2013 will be a eventful year for each one of us in the Walton MBA class of 2013. All of us met a year ago with aspirations about the future and this year we shall begin to go forward and realize them. For many the dream has already turned to reality with job offers while others are still trying to achieve what they had wished for. I pray that this year may all the dreams come true and I wish everyone and their families - "Good Luck and Good Health".

1 comment:

  1. Glad I cud be part of ur winter break...albeit through a 15 min Skype call. Have an awesome 2013! :-)
